Reporting concept

One important part of SDR is the way we gather and aggregate all recorded data from all our systems and finally compile simple reports. One major goal, when designing the reporting module, was to be able to get all these things in matter of minutes, saving your time in front of computer. You should be able to obtain the most needed information with minimal number of clicks, a different idea than say majority of current analytics packages.

System Data Recorder contains two main modules: the recording and the reporting module. They can work independently of each-other, having the recording module alone or together coupled with the reporting module. In addition, if your recorded data comes from different collectors than SDR, you can feed the raw data into reporting module.

The reporting module, consists of several key technologies: Round Robin Database Tool, Perl, R Statistical Language, PDQ analytical solver all running on top of a HTTP server. Additional tools help us to better visualize our workload(s), to measure the workloads in order to conclude if we have the correct computer infrastructure. The reporting engine deploys simple scripts used to fetch, analyse and generate reports. This way, SDR Reporting contains several modules, each with its own purpose:

  • reporting engine: a collection of Perl and KSH scripts used to fetch and analyze the raw data and generate reports. The reporting engine runs on top of Perl, RRD, R and PDQ.

  • HTTP workload management: a simple Perl utility helping to compute the throughput and service times for certain HTTP applications. Combines server utilization with the workload: req/sec.

  • performance visualization: a simple and intuitive movie player of your multiprocessor server configuration; based on OpenGL, displays how your CPUs are used for your workload(s).

sdr reporting

All these things make the reporting module simple and apart from other reporting systems:

  • Simple precompiled reports, always work
  • Very simple
  • Easy customizations
  • You dont have to click, dozens of options, links to get what you need
  • Should save your time in front of computer, being simple and to the point
  • Simple to educate your IT staff